Monday, October 25, 2010

Brown India Ale Followup

So this brew was educational for me, in that I found out what it tastes like when you over-extract your roasted grains during the mash stage. I know all about over-extraction and tannins because of my coffee roasting experience, but I wasn't very careful and I started the malt at 175 and it took it quite a while to get back down to 160 and then I sparged the heck out of it - trying to get all the carbs and sugars I could out of it. Because it just seems like so much of the malt gets wasted. I guess it's a common rookie mistake. What happened was the over-extraction of the malt (which was medium-dark British Crystal malt) brought out too much of the bitter/sour/astringent qualities of the tannins, which kind of conflicted with the bitterness of the hops. If it weren't for the tannins, the bitterness of the hops would be a much more pleasant taste. I've had people tell me they loved this one, and others said it was way too much. I guess it's a matter of taste, but next time I'll be much gentler with the mash.

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