Monday, October 25, 2010

I don't know who Dr. Bacchus is or what wooga is, but I found this article on alcohol and the Bible that is very straightforward with all the facts, and I find it tells us in a very detailed and non-biased way, what the Bible tells us about drinking alcohol.

So many churches (i.e. the famous example of Southern Baptists) have taught that drinking alcohol is a sinful practice, but I have never found that in the Bible. I looked for anything I could find on what the Bible says on drinking, and I came up with exactly the same conclusions these people did. That is, the Bible supports drinking alcoholic drinks (as a blessing from God) with a caution against over-indulging.

People or chuches who teach anything else simply don't have a biblical world-view concerning alcohol use. They need to consider ALL of what the Bible has to say about it.

If you want more info, click on the above link.

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